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Never let go...

We live in a complicated world, where if we aren't alert, the chances of getting lost in its complications are seldom high!

The aspirations and the manifested frustrations, the actions and the unexpected reciprocation, the dream against the reality... all in some way, someday, somewhere deep within tell us to let go!

“There will be days of despair, days of darkness, days of tears, days of fear... but still my friend... never let go!”

Certain realizations come very late in life and often too late that we are so fragile and in all true sense... we only have one life! Now listen carefully, no matter how important or how insignificant you think your life is... you are and will always have a role to play in someone else's life... for that reason alone... never let go!

We often cuddle in our bed to ourselves not having the desire to maintain human contact, to be out in public, to be vulnerable... coz we feel we are safe inside... but a life like that... that anonymity... that loneliness will eat your soul empty before time... to live a life that's remembered, to make a difference for someone like you... never let go!

Once someone leaves this world, all our reproach and complaints vanish with their passing away, all that remains is remorse, an incompleteness and longingness to have one more moment together... why go through all that pain then? Today is alive... today is you! I urge you... for this beautiful relation that you just thought of with this person... never let go!

We never know how long our story will be... when it will be the day to go, we will do it with grace with contentment of a life well lived, till then love and... never let go!


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